scientific name: Lawsonia inermis L.Syn: Lawsonia spinosa L. & Lawsonia alba Lam.
Generic name: Folium Lawsoniae
English names: Cumphier، Egyption privet.
Persian name: Henna. Arabic names: Al-Qutb, Al-Kalb, Arghan. The main coloring matter of this fragrant plant is Lawson (2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthaquinone). Other chemical compounds of henna include gallic acid, white resin, sugars, tannins and xanthones. The aromatic leaves of this plant are used as a preventive agent against skin diseases by applying henna paste on the affected areas. The fragrant leaves of this plant have anti-fungal properties and the henna paste can be applied even on the nail or any affected part continuously for 15 days to cure the fungal infection. Lawson has antibacterial and antifungal properties.